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This blog is primarily cake-recipe based, but, from time to time, I will include some savoury ones too. I also like to write about my travels and encounters, especially if they involve great food. I speak as I find. Opinions expressed are my own, and not sponsored, requested, or paid for by others, unless specifically stated.

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Friday, 30 March 2012

A Country Fayre - Part 2

Following from my previous post on The Spring Country Fayre at Caragh Nurseries, I took more pictures than I first thought!  Here are just a few more.

Pretty Bluebells!
"Ooh, what have you got there?"
Splashes of colour everywhere, even though it is still March
Delicious pizza, cooked by Alfie, in the Big Green Egg, ready for sampling
Where to find, and how to order Oldfarm's Free-Range Pork

Margaret and Alfie chatting to customers

We will definitely be back to Caragh Nurseries in the near future, this time to make some purchases for the garden.

A lovely place and a great afternoon, spent in good company.


  1. Wow you did take a lot of photos!

    Thank you!

  2. Very Welcome, Margaret:) I go a bit mad sometimes, there were more, but I'll keep those for myself. The more pictures I take, the better selection to choose from after, I think :)

  3. Hi Colette, I love a country fair too. I usually head straight for the food, admire the perfection of the ICWA jams and cakes, then follow my nose to a BBQd sausage dripping with ketchup. Love the pansies - they are a real sign of Spring.

  4. Hi Hester, sounds exactly like my kind of day out too, especially if the weather is good :)
