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This blog is primarily cake-recipe based, but, from time to time, I will include some savoury ones too. I also like to write about my travels and encounters, especially if they involve great food. I speak as I find. Opinions expressed are my own, and not sponsored, requested, or paid for by others, unless specifically stated.

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Wednesday, 9 November 2011

A Year Well Spent

November 9th, 2010, was the day I stepped on board the Good Ship "Twitter", and sailed away from my own comfy shore, only to find lots of new horizons along the way.

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  1. Congrats!!!! keep up the Great work mrs. I love reading your thoughts!

  2. Congrats Collette on your Twitter birthday! I have only been in Twitter six months but blogging since 2008 ;0)... Well done with your viewing stats... Long may it last!

  3. Thanks for your comment, Cindy. Happy to share my thoughts.

  4. Thanks for your comment, Móna. Funny how the time goes. Here's to another year!

  5. Happy Twitter Birthday! Enjoy it!

  6. Thank you Margaret. J and I have had a lovely time discovering new places and people ;-)
